Don’t Carry your Load

The Bible tells us in Psalm 55:22 that we must Cast our Burdens on the Lord and He shall sustain you.  Let’s look at this illustration.  One day a man was passing by a lonely road on a hot day.  As he was driving, he saw a lady carrying a load of market wares on her head.  The man stopped his car and asked the lady if he can give her a ride to where she was going. It happened that she was going to the same road that he was heading for.  She entered the car and the man continued to drive.  After several miles, the man looked at the rearview mirror and noticed that the lady was still carrying the load on her head.  He was astonished to see that she was still carrying the load on her head even though she was sitting in the car.  He asked her why she was still carrying her load. She responded that she did not want to bother him.


You see, that is what we do sometimes.  We go to God in prayers with a load of need, but we don’t always leave it with God.  We keep worrying after we place our load on him.  Psalm 55:22 is telling us that once we cast our burdens on Him, He will sustain us.  This New Year 2023, let us stop carrying our load, let us leave it to Him. 

Amen and amen.